About coffee
1. Coffee invigorates only lazy Coffee is a great incentive for those who like to be lazy. For such people, coffee is an excellent stimulant, but it is contraindicated for workaholics as such, since it produces the opposite effect. Psychologist Jay Hocking came to this conclusion by putting experiments on rats. Like humans, rats tend to look for ways out of various situations and solve problems they face - for example, to go through a maze. It turned out that caffeine significantly reduced the activity of the most mobile rodents. Those rats, which were initially &'lazy,&' began to behave more actively after caffeine. An interesting fact is that coffee invigorates women more than men: women after several cups become more energetic, and men begin to work more slowly and doubt the results. 2. Coffee helps with a hangover. The most unpleasant thing in a hangover is a headache - severe migraines can completely poison the mood and prevent you from concentrating on work. Unfortunately, getting rid of a hangover migraine is sometimes difficult even with the help of analgesics. However, coffee helps with a headache. Pain is formed due to the formation of acetate in the body under the influence of ethanol. Coffee also helps block the conversion of acetaldehyde to acetate and, as a result, get rid of pain. Just do not get too carried away with this treatment method - for a person with an average body weight, a cup of coffee with a volume of 100-150 ml is enough. 3. Tea can be brewed from coffee. The taste of a drink from the leaves of a coffee tree is no less interesting than the taste of a drink made from its beans. Tea that can be brewed from coffee leaves is not as strong as coffee itself, but it has a rich taste without the usual tea bitterness. Moreover, coffee tea contains less caffeine and more antioxidants than ordinary black tea, and also reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease due to the high level of specific compounds contained in it. 4. Coffee can be simply inhaled Especially for people who cannot imagine their life without caffeine, but for some reason cannot drink coffee regularly, the AeroShot portable inhaler was developed, which looks like a plastic cylinder the size of a hunting cartridge. Each device contains 100 mg of caffeine. In fact, it is a calorie-free alternative to coffee and other energy drinks. To take a dose of caffeine, you just need to pull the bottom green edge of the cartridge and take a breath. There are enough substances in the inhaler for six to eight puffs. You can not consume everything at once, but close the valve and leave some of the caffeine for later. 5. A safe dose of caffeine - 400 mg per day. Each person reacts to caffeine in its own way, depending on its metabolism. It has long been established that coffee abuse can adversely affect health, and a safe dose of caffeine for each person is individual and depends on both physiology and the way the substance is consumed. According to a 2003 study, a safe dose of caffeine for an adult healthy person is 400 mg per day (approximately 500 mg of coffee). A large dose can cause heart problems or negative mood changes. You should not forget, however, that pregnant women need to reduce this norm by almost half, since with an excess of caffeine in the body, the likelihood of a miscarriage increases. In addition, smokers should also consume less coffee than a non-smoker, because their bodies are cleansed more slowly. 6. Caffeine helps you take a point of view that is different from your own. Caffeine can have a special effect on the brain: in particular, it helps you agree with a statement that you didn&'t agree with before, because it increases the brain&'s ability to perceive the logic of other people's judgments. True, the stronger the distraction during the discussion of a particular issue to something not related to the subject of the conversation, the less likely it is to convince an opponent, since he will not be able to concentrate on the topic and pay due attention to the arguments given. 7. The most expensive coffee in the world is made from elephant excrement. This variety of coffee is called "Black Tusk", it is made in Thailand. Thai elephants are fed with coffee, beans are not completely digested in their intestines and are excreted by excrement, and due to the digestion process and the effect of stomach acid, the drink from beans processed in this way has a special rich and soft taste without the usual coffee bitterness. In addition, the taste of the grains is also influenced by other foods that elephants usually feed on, such as bananas and sugarcane. On average, an animal needs about 15-30 hours to digest the fruits of coffee. The cost of this type of coffee is $ 1,100 per kg, but if you just want to try it, you will have to pay $ 50 for a cup. The cost is due to the fact that keeping elephants in nature reserves is not so cheap. In addition, elephants are specially fed only Thai Arabica coffee, grown at an altitude of 1,500 m, and elephants need to eat about